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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Count

Vampires are scary. First it was Dracula, then Count Chocula, now Edward? Sometime in between a purple legend came called The Count or Count von Count from Sesame Street. He is performed by Jerry Nelson. His purpose is to teach about math, mostly counting. He once stopped Ernie from answering the phone because he wanted to count the rings. He is male. He was introduced on November 27th, 1972 (Season 4). The Count lives in an old house with a lot of bats. He has a cat Fatatita as well. He even counts all the bats and the one cat! He drives a special car called the Countmobile. Countess Von Backwards is his former girlfriend. His new girlfriend is Countess Dahling von Dahling. His brother and mom have been on the show. When Season 33, Sesame Street gave him a daily part: "The Number of the Day!" And natuarally he has no reflection in mirrors.

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