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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Top 10 Best Television Bromances

In honor of tonight's new return of COMMUNITY, (Thursdays, NBC, 8PM. The Big Bang Theory has enough ratings. Watch Community now. NOW!) I will be posting the 10 best television "bro-mances" of all time and of today. Enjoy!


10. Alan and Walden (Two and a Half Men)
09. Darryl and Andy (The Office)
08. Kenneth and Tracy (30 Rock)
07. Ted and Marshall (How I Met Your Mother)
06. Lenny and Carl (The Simpsons)
05. Mike and Carl (Mike and Molly)
04. Bert and Ernie (Sesame Street)
03. Steve and Danny (Hawaii Five-O)
02. Troy and Abed (Community)
01. Shawn and Gus (Psych)

All Time:

10. Lenny and Carl (The Simpsons)
09. Jerry and George (Seinfeld)
08. Steve and Danny (Hawaii Five-O)
07. BJ and Hawkeye (M*A*S*H)
06. Chuck and Morgan (Chuck)
05. Joey and Chandler (Friends)
04. Norm and Cliff (Cheers)
03. Troy and Abed (Community)
02. Shawn and Gus (Psych)
01. J.D and Turk (Scrubs)

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