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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Theme Thursday- Beginning

The kid you know for your life but in a way you don't. He's just there. No one knows him. He's unsure of himself. He doesn't know what's right and what's wrong. He's there throughout your life. No one acknowledges him. He's there just a part of everyday life. People passing by. No one notices him. He doesn't notice. He's there. The loner. The kid who's just there. No one cares. Just there. No friends. No life. But then there comes a day when the kid does something. Beyond all expectations. Than you know him. He's no longer a nobody. He's a somebody. A simple task and he's somebody. Now he's liked, known: popular. Than a new group of kids and the loner sees one like him. Now people notice. No friends. No life. People notice. They notice the suffering. The long days, weeks, months even years of loneliness. The former loner becomes friends with the new loner. And that is just the beginning.


  1. Too often in life a simple task can create a new beginning...nice, this :)

  2. I like how even those alone end up with friends.

  3. But why does the kid do something beyond all expectation? Isn't the "doing something" the real beginning?

  4. Interesting piece, it is. There more to this story?

  5. wow. i think this is my favorite post you have done. i was that kid.

  6. Interesting...leaves me wanting more, too.

  7. It's a good thing to reach out to someone else,
    to let someone know they're not alone in the world.
