I was glad that Hurley and Vincent and Sawyer survived because I liked them. Sayid could've lived too though :P. Hurley and Vincent stayed on the island which is loyalty so I like em more! Hurley even became the island's protector! How about them apples.

I liked when the smoke monster was in Locke's body and him and Jack were on the cliff fighting. Jack did get stabbed, stupid smoke monster disposing of a main character. But Kate came and shot the smoke monster. While he was lying on the ground, Jack kicked the smoke monster into the river. Yay teamwork! Hurley almost died but Ben saved him! Jack did die. Why would they keep a main character all the way until the last minute and then poof adios. I don't know.
You could've interpreted it in many different ways. I wanted to interpret that the flash sideways universe was the real universe and the island universe was just a dream they all had. Like a book. Jack opens his eye in the first episode to begin the dream or book and then at the last episode closed his eye to end the dream or book. The flash sideways universe I think when they all connected they all felt that they all the same dream and then they all became friends in the real universe but none of them were really dead. Get it? Ok! Very nicely done LOST. Just like this post with the open eye to begin it and the closing eye of Jack to end the post. But I wanted to interpret that but it's not. I wanted them to be happy and together and alive but that's not what happened so :(

Many different ways to take it, I suppose. We differ, but that makes for good TV and good discussion! I might start watching this one from Episode One again. :)