I saw this movie yesterday not with high expectations but thinking I'd see a good movie to cap off a great trilogy in which I had grown up with Andy. I think this movie is arguably in the Top 3 for all of Disney Pixar's movie along with Toy Story and Finding Nemo. It was very good with heart and humor like Mr. Tortilla Head and the absence of some toys; (e.g, Wheezy, Etch, RC, even Little Bo Peep.) When Woody and Slinky Dog organized the very first meeting that we saw of these toys. Dozens of toys gathered around everything from a piggy bank to a dinosaur to binoculars to green army men and a potato head. They discussed different topics and moved on. In the last meeting we see the toys gather around for Slinky Dog doesn't have to help Woody when he asks "Slink gather everybody" Slink responds "Woody, this is everybody." The toys there are Buzz, Slink, Woody, Jessie, Bullzeye, the Three Pizza Planet Aliens, Two Green Army Men, Sarge, Hamm, Rex, Mr. Potato Head, and Mrs. Potato Head. Now there are only a dozen plus 3. Barbie soon joins them from Molly's room and they are sent to a daycare. They are greeted by a Lots'O Huggin' Bear who takes a turn for the worse by leaving toys to possibly burn in an incerator. Luckily, the alien's obsession with "The Claaaw" saves the toys and Mr. Potato Head replies "You saved our lives and we are eternally grateful." Very good movie! I laughed, I cried, and I remembered my childhood which came full circle when Andy donated his toys to Bonnie who lives around the block and played with them one last time. I cried when Slink said "This is Everybody. When Woody thought about Bo Peep and said simply "Bo" and when Andy began to describe the character's traits reminding us of all the movies. I began crying when he said "Jessie, the roughest, toughest cowgirl in the wild wild west." Good movie and Pixar has done it again.
P.S. I really thought Lotso was going to be a really awesome toy.
P.S.S Best line: Ken: "I am not a girl's toy!"
P.S.S.S I love Mr. Pricklepants
It was a really, really good movie. The whole trilogy is now quite a set of classic films. Love them. :)