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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 18 Favorite Board Game

It was hard but from Cranium, Party Playoff is my favorite board game. Monopoly, Clue, Apples to Apples, they were all so close but the Playoff won. The rules are: You get different rectangles and fill in a bracket. There are four sections, People, Places, Things, Activities. You write who you think the Final Four, champion, and another person's champion. You put it in an envelope and then you spin the finger to see who picks first. Someone picks a matchup and they vote by the question on the card until you find a winner!


  1. i have been missing out..i have never heard of this game...

  2. I knew you would pick this one! It's fun. I am surprised you haven't added your own tiles to the game!

  3. Love this game! Great pick Dave!
