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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 29 Somewhere You Want To Visit

#4~ Marceline, Missouri

You're probably wondering...Missouri? But it's because this is Walt Disney's hometown where he envisioned Main Street U.S.A. in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom. In this picture can't you see Main Street and see a castle on the end?
#3~ Paris, France
Not much to say here since it goes without saying but it looks beautiful and the food looks nice. I would also like to go there and say "Sacre bleu!"
#2~ Sydney, Australia
I've liked Australia since the 4th grade. It seems tropical and it seems nice too.
#1~ California (Preferably San Diego)

It just seems fun. The beaches look nice. You can see a bunch of movie stuff, a Chargers game but minus the earthquakes.


  1. Great choices! I can picture the castle at the end of that Main Street! All awesome!

  2. Excellent choices and I, too, can see the castle at the end of Main Street! I'll go to Australia with you if you want! LOL!
