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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Theme Thursday- Funky

My theme thursday rhymes whith funky. MONKEY!!! They're my third favorite animal!! Here's the history of them. A monkey is any cercopithecoid (Old World monkey) or platyrrhine (New World monkey) primate. All primates that are not prosimians (lemurs and tarsiers) or apes are monkeys. The 264 known extant monkey species represent two of the three groupings of simian primates (the third group being the 21 species of apes). Monkeys are usually smaller and/or longer-tailed than apes. Well you learn something new everyday! Here's a pic: That was a monkey photo shoot.


  1. One in the news this week: Michael Jackson's old chimp, Bubbles.

    And can you believe Patti Regan, the head of the Great Apes Sanctuary where Bubbles is now living, said this: "We haven't said anything to him [Bubbles] yet, He's been his usual self, interacting with friends, eating well, taking cover when it rains."

    Give me a break!!! hahahaha

  2. love monkeys! they are so fun to watch and playful. tries to get T to let me bring one to the house, we just had kids instead. i wonder what the difference is?

  3. I agree - monkeys are SO cool! And they love to pose for the camera :-)

  4. Yeah, and they've named an ice cream after your Funky Monkeys, too! Or if they haven't they oughta.

  5. I once knew a young man who kept a (spider) monkey in his house. I'm not sure how many kids you would have to have in the house to equal the destructive power of that monkey - or its funky smell - but it would have to be a bunch of them.

  6. 264? Damn! Learn something new every day. One more piece of trivia for me.
