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Sunday, March 25, 2012

The 49 Dwarfs

Before Disney chose Sleepy, Sneezy, Bashful, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, and Doc to be the names of their seven dwarfs in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, they had 42 other contestants. Here's the list:

1. Awful
2. Baldy
3. Biggo-Ego
4. Burpy
5. Daffy
6. Deafy
7. Dippy
8. Dirty
9. Dizzy
10. Doleful
11. Dumpy
12. Flabby
13. Gabby
14. Hickey
15. Hoppy
16. Hotsy
17. Hungry
18. Jaunty
19. Jumpy
20. Lazy
21. Neurtsy
22. Nifty
23. Puffy
24. Sappy
25. Scrappy
26. Shifty
27. Shorty
28. Silly
29. Snappy
30. Sneezy-Wheezy
31. Sniffy
32. Snoopy
33. Soulful
34. Strutty
35. Stuffy
36. Swift
37. Tearful
38. Thrifty
39. Weepy
40. Wheezy
41. Wistful
42. Woeful

Guess we lucked out, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we certainly lucked out! Deafy? Neurtsy?? Woeful??? Sheesh!
