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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Poll Results/New Poll!

My poll about post-Christmastime apathy has come to an end. I have the final results, here:

Christmas music playing wherever you go: 4 votes, 80%
The warmth and goodwill that cascades over everyone: 4 votes, 80%
24-hour A Christmas Story marathon: 4 votes, 80%
Always having something Christmas-y to watch: 4 votes, 80%
Daily countdowns, like advent calendars: 3 votes, 60%
Not feeling bad about eating Christmas cookies: 3 votes, 60%
The decorations, because the house will look so barren: 3 votes, 60%
The fact that it's not weird if Nat King Cole and Andy Williams are on the radio: 3 votes, 60%
Wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. Now you just get weird looks: 3 votes, 60%
The Dunkin' Donuts cups: 2 votes, 40%

The new poll is about what the best thing in the exciting month of February 2014 will be!

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