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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bears. Beets. Spinoffs.

I had pondered about many 'Office' scenarios. A big-screen movie? A Steve Carrel cameo? How about this one? A spin-off. With who? None other than Dwight K. Schrute. Mother: Hedda. Cousin: Moze. NBC is developing the Dwight-like comedy for launch in 2013. It would find Dwight moving in back at the beet farm/bed and breakfast. My dad said that they're probably taking the Cheers-route, developing a spin-off as their series comes to a close. That's too bad. Hopefully that when the Office ends, there will be a fitting ending. At least we still have Dwight to look forward to after!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like what they are planning, to me. I mean, what would The Office be like without Dwight?
