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Friday, June 28, 2013

This Is the End

There will probably be spoilers.

This Is the End? More like This Is One of the Best Comedy Movies I've Ever Seen. I suppose it was aimed at my age group, but honestly the funniest parts to me weren't the Franco/McBride argument or when Rogen and Jay Baruchel lit it up in his apartment. That's not really my style. My favorite parts were anything Jonah Hill countering Jay during the "exorcism," Jonah Hill's little gun stunt and everything Craig Robinson. Naturally, I thought the film overall was hilarious. The cameos from Jason Segel, Krumholtz, Kevin Hart, Aziz and Mindy Kaling were awesomely appreciated. Michael Cera and Channing Tatum were just really, well, out there. I doubt I'll see them the same again. And Emma Watson did surprisingly well. My favorites in the film were everyone except McBride and Jay Baruchel. I'd never heard of Baruchel before and McBride just kind of annoyed me. The other four of the group of six were fantastic, though. I think what really did it for me was that even though a coked-up Michael Cera was impaled, the Rapture descended upon Hollywood and the rest of the world, Krumholtz literally fell into Hell, Satan's penis literally was cut off, and we watched six celebrities play fictional, exaggerated versions of themselves on screen, even though all of that happened, there was a sense of realness to it and the actors played off of it like it could be believable. I felt comfortable with these six guys. It's probably my favorite film of the year so far. Amazing and hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. It was something else, that's for sure. Funny, in parts, wince-inducing in other parts.
