It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! is an animated TV special from 1966 by Charles Schulz. Schulz also wrote this special. It was directed by Bill Melendez. Peter Robbins and Sally Dryer star in this classic as Charlie Brown and Lucy. Vince Guaraldi was the theme music composer. It's running time is 25 minutes. It was broadcast on CBS from 1966-2000 but then taken by ABC from 2001- to the present. It was first shown on October 27th, 1966. It has been nominated for an Emmy award.
The plot is that the Peanuts gang is getting ready for Halloween. Linus writes a letter to the Great Pumpkin despite everyone's disbelief. On Halloween the gang goes trick-or-treating. Linus persuades Sally to sit and wait for the Great Pumpkin with him and she agrees. While trick-or-treating the gang gets all sorts of candy and apples and popcorn and money except for Charlie Brown, prompting the classic saying "I got a rock." Everyone, except for Linus and Sally, goes to Violet's party following the trick-or-treating. Snoopy in-visions himself yet again as the Red Baron but he soon loses the battle, crashes the Halloween party, and visits the Pumpkin patch. A shadow then rises over that pumpkin patch and Linus faints. I won't tell you how it ends but you can watch it on Thursday, October 28th, 2010.
Can't wait to see it once again! Great special!