TOY STORY 3!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, yeah! This completely makes up for the Human Torch's death! Buzz and Woody are chillin' with Leo Decaprio, Bonham Carter, a fighter, and Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah! Slinky Dog is way better than all ya'll! The best movie of 2010 and my favorite movie of all time has a 10% chance of winning Best Picture! Dreamworks can take that to the bank! This is Pixar's second nominee for the top prize in a row. It is legen---wait for it---dary! Tom Hanks! Jeff Pidgeon! Tim Allen! Blake Clark! Yeah! Toy Story 3 was nominated for 5 --count 'em-- 5 categories. That trumps Inception. That trumps The Fighter. It falls only behind the King's Speech and The Social Network. The best (and quite possibly the saddest (maybe Click instead)) movie of 2010 and all time! It is my pick and my prediction. If you are in the academy and are reading this post, please, please, please, please pick Toy Story 3 for Best Picture!
Go Pixar!
Not sure about it winning Best Picture. It deserves it, for sure, but not sure it is going to win it. As for Best Animated Feature - it better damn well win that!