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Thursday, January 3, 2013


In 2012, we lost many shows. Let's give a moment of silence for a few of the greats. One Life to Live. Chuck. Leverage. In 2013, it will be more of the same with 30 Rock and The Office. But for now, let's settle in on Leverage, a TNT legend.


The show moved to Portland during it's final season. I missed it being in Boston, but it was still the same show. With the same cast and everything. It was revealed to us that Nate was working with Hardison on one secret project. And in this episode, we found out what this was and it ended up being the crew's final con.

Let's go steal us a recap.

And the con was pulled on the audience at first. It started off with some investigator asking how Nate's friends died. Hubba-wah? We then go on to see Hardison hanging on to Parker for his life in an elevator shaft, but Parker is shot which causes her to let go of Hardison. Parker makes her way down the elevator shaft and informs Nate and Sophie that his "insides are smushed." Nate and Sophie pull up to the outside of the building in a getaway van and Parker assists a hobbled Hardison into the van. The crew informs Eliot that they need to go and as he runs out, he is shot by a security guard. He dives into the van and they drive away. In the back of the van Hardison holds Parker's hand and then Eliot's hand. It cuts away to see Nate and Sophie stopped by police. They look into the back of the van and see that Parker, Eliot, and Hardison have all died. Nate floors it and tries to jump over an opening bridge, but they miss and it cuts away again to Nate being investigated and he bangs on the desk in anger. The agent then accuses him of lying and he goes crazy.

The thing is though, that Nate was lying as the coroners say that only three bodies arrived. Sterling, the agent, and Nate go down to the garage and Sterling shoots the body of Hardison multiple times and then reveals that it's a fake body to which Nate tells the story of what actually happened. He tells of how he simply held his hand up and went bang to Eliot, he twas not really shot. He tells of how Sterling let Parker, Eliot, and Hardison into the secure facility to steal the book which details the stock market crimes and that Nate bumped into him so he wouldn't see them. So they got out of the building with the book safely while Sophie distracted many by performing in the play to get the three on the stage instead of in the crowd. There is also a neat scene in the telling of what happened when Parker enters an elevator and begins to change her costume to which Hardison and Eliot turn away. This is also a scene that happened in the pilot episode of Leverage.

Nate is still set to be arrested, though. Sterling puts him into a police van, but with a note that says "Now we're even. Tell Sophie to drive safe." And Sophie drives Nate back to the Leverage headquarters safely. In the headquarters, Nate then decides to propose to Sophie, calling her Laura. So her true name was finally revealed. Or was it? She would later say, "but you know that's not my real name." Who knows? Anyway, Nate and Sophie tell the other three that they are leaving Portland (not Boston, you see.) Nate tells Eliot to take care of the others, tells Hardison that he's the smartest man he's ever worked with. Sophie gives Parker the book. A scene is then shown with Parker sitting in a chair with Eliot and Hardison behind her. She's telling a grieving couple that they provide...leverage. And the show ended.

A good finale and a great series. They had quite the trick in the beginning. I will miss it, as it was one of the few TNT shows that I enjoyed. Farewell!

1 comment:

  1. I will miss it, too. One of my favorites. Great finale, but sad to see it end.
