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Thursday, February 5, 2015

100 Favorite Movies: 26

It seems like if there was ever a book that would be impossible to do right by in movie form, it would be To Kill a Mockingbird, a treasured American classic and perhaps the best novel of the twentieth century. But I'm not sure if it came before a time of director mess-around or what, but To Kill a Mockingbird, as perfect as it was in word form, was nearly as perfect on the big screen. Impeccable acting helped and plus, the story is just so much more than film in the first place that those who made it would be hard pressed to do wrong by it. Nevertheless, the beauty of the story of Scout and Jem and Atticus and the rest of the residents in Maycomb, Alabama is one that is both worth reading and worth watching.

Drama directed by Robert Mulligan and written by Horton Foote in 1962.

Starring: Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, John Megna, Frank Overton, Rosemary Murphy, Ruth White, Brock Peters, and Robert Duvall.

Tune in tomorrow for number twenty-five!

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