Recently, Fox renewed American Idol, the legendary reality competition staple of network television, for its fifteenth season with Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez, Harry Connick Jr., and Ryan Seacrest all returning to their posts. (Posts, which, were so much better filled by Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson.) But even more recently, Fox announced that the upcoming season of American Idol would be its last. The ratings have been slipping for a while, but at least they're letting it die with some semblance of grace in what has been described as a "season-long celebratory event." Only a few true stars were ever really produced from the show, but maybe this season will give us one more. I am going to watch the finale just to see who comes back for the grand send-off. Hopefully, this guy comes back:
To mark the ending of this show, here is my all-time favorite performance on American Idol.
Farewell, American Idol.
Have been some incredible performances over the years. But I definitely think they are right in ending it. Hopefully it is a fitting final season.