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Thursday, September 3, 2015

50 Favorite Albums: 43

I'll admit it. I do like Maroon 5. I know not many people do, but I think they're one of the few bright spots in the current state of pop music. Those who are lukewarm on Maroon 5 cite their decline in quality as a reason why. But I disagree. I think Maroon 5 has only gotten better (though, more centralized on Adam Levine). They've always been in the pop genre, but recently, their songs have started to get catchier. This Love and She Will Be Loved are classics, but on Overexposed, they recorded Payphone, Daylight, and Love Somebody. All hits and all something more than generic radio plays.

Overexposed: 2012 pop rock album from Maroon 5.


  1. Catchy music that makes you feel good? Good enough. Like what you like.

  2. Catchy music that makes you feel good? Good enough. Like what you like.
