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Monday, September 23, 2013

60 Best Television Moments: 39

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Office had the best final couple of episodes to a series in television history. The end of A.A.R.M. is no exception. Jim and the doc crew make a video of the great Jim and Pam moments so Pam can remember their true, undying love. He also gives her the teapot letter, a groundbreaking moment. Plus, Jim gives Dwight one last piece of advice with Angela. "At the end of the day, you gotta jump." After Michael left, The Office became about Jim, Pam and Dwight. Yes, Andy took on a leading role, but it was about those core three. Then, it culminated in a television masterpiece. Also, sorry about the quality, but it's better than nothing.


  1. Was a great scene and a great way to make use of the documentary filming to coincide with their own lives.

  2. I loved that - until the very end where it showed the person (man? woman?) filming it on their phone! LOL
