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Saturday, June 8, 2013

4000th Post!

Alas! Hark! Hear those herald angels sing! My Power is Beyond Your Understanding has reached its 4000th post and this is it! Obviously the celebration for my 5000th post will be much more detailed than this, but we're still going to celebrate! Sometimes I regret posting the Hoedown Throwdown as my very first post, but it's a first post like no other. I certainly didn't think that this would last much longer than a month, never mind a year and then five years and now four thousand posts! That is just insane to me. Especially after that rough July I had back in 2009 in which I posted a total of seven items. Over the years, I've posted about hot/not meters, the series finales of many beloved shows (Chuck, 30 Rock, Leverage, THE OFFICE), four DFTBA brackets, many other brackets as well, tournaments of the best comics, multiple challenges, 100 days of Boston arguments, crazy days devoted to The Office and to The Muppets, polls, headers, hall of fames, and just plain old news! Over these four thousand posts I've had to say goodbye to The Office, meet the Muppets, celebrate a Bruins Stanley Cup win (and maybe another one soon), a Patriots trip to the Super Bowl, a tumultuous time on whether or not Grown Ups would get a sequel and if JON FAVREAU WILL EVER FREAKING MAKE THE MAGIC KINGDOM FILM. Who knows? Maybe by 5000, I'll see the trailer for "Magic Kingdom - coming this winter." Maybe by 5000, the Red Sox will have won a World Series title or two? There's no way of knowing what could happen, just like I had no way of knowing that I'd get to 4000.

It sure is a beautiful number, though.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing milestone! Congrats, it has been fun all the way!
