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Thursday, March 5, 2015

31 Day SNL Challenge: Favorite Cast Member from the 2010s

Just as the show wouldn't have survived without Eddie Murphy, would it have survived without the aid of Andy Samberg to carry the show into the digital era? Probably. But no matter! He made it so much easier and so much more effective thanks in part to his wonderfully creative mind in collaboration with his Lonely Island brethren Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer. He did so much for SNL, most of that being digital shorts, but also some good live installments. Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals was flawless, his impression of Rick Santorum was one of my all-time favorite political representations, and bringing it back to the digital shorts, where do I begin? Great Day, Dick in a Box, Lazer Catz, Jack Sparrow. The list goes on and on and on. He's one of the greatest. THAT'S HIGH PRAISE!

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