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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Temporary Shun?

Donald Glover has worked out a deal to appear in only five episodes of the thirteen in Community's fifth season. He's doing this to spend more time with his rap career as Childish Gambino. First Chevy Chase and now Glover. The Greendale Seven is deteriorating! Glover was in the first draft of My Greatest People list, but he was removed in the re-work. Vulture at least made some fun with it. "Reps for Sony and Glover couldn't immediately be reached for comment, while reps for Abed Nadir were doing all they could to keep the news from him." Troy and Abed :( :( :(. It doesn't seem like Dan Harmon and the rest of the Community crew are too happy about this. I think that this is warranted. Donald Glover has been placed on a temporary shun. The second one on this blog to ever be given a temporary shun and the first since Steve Carell. That's right Carell got removed. Maybe (shunned) can redeem himself sometime.

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