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Sunday, March 1, 2015

31 Day SNL Challenge: Favorite Cast Member from the 1970s

The long-awaited 31 Day SNL Challenge has begun.

The odds are that when picking a favorite cast member from the 1970s, the selection will come from the crop of Not Ready for Primetime Players, but not necessarily. After all, Bill Murray would be a choice at which no one would scoff. And while I considered him and I considered John Belushi, it was obvious that there was only one choice. Gilda Radner. Her repertoire possessed iconic original characters like Roseanne Roseannadanna, Lisa Loopner, and Baba Wawa while she also killed it with celebrity impressions. Gilda was one of the best and she just seemed like the sweetest, funniest cast member to work with and I hate it so much that she's gone. Gilda is forever fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a great choice and definitely a sad loss. She is and always will be missed.
